2025 FloridaACE Annual Conference

Call for Proposals are NOW open!


This year, we are proud to celebrate "60 Years of Excellence: Shaping the Future of Education and Employment." Our theme encapsulates the essence of our shared mission to empower students and make a positive impact in higher education and employment.

Our collective goal during this conference is to reflect on the remarkable progress we’ve made, inspire one another, and collaborate on how we can continue empowering students and making a positive impact in higher education and employment. Join us for an immersive experience where ideas seamlessly converge, collaborations take flight, and the solid foundation for enduring professional growth is laid.

Together, let's embark on a journey of exploration, connection, and the collective forging of pathways that transcend the boundaries of our careers, shaping the landscape of our shared professional futures. We look forward to the exciting experiences we'll build together.

Concurrent Program Sessions:

  • 1-hour programs
  • Share your best practices and innovative ideas
  • Lecture-style format presented ideas, outcomes, etc. with facilitated discussions and Q&A based on presenter preference


  • 30-minute facilitated discussions where you are the moderator of your topic
  • Not a presentation; instead, this is a space to allow the exchange of ideas with table participants
  • Often serves as a space to explore topics at a higher-level

Let the purpose of the event drive your submission. For example, if you have launched a new and innovative method for your institution’s annual career fair, and would like to showcase this change, a breakout session would be more appropriate. However, if you would like to discuss the challenges faced in managing such a large event for the purpose of hosting a collaborative conversation, a roundtable would be more effective.

Here are some ideas:

  • New research on trends in recruiting or career services.
  • Evolving to technological changes and their impact on student success.
  • Supporting globalization and international opportunities for students going abroad.
  • Connecting students to experiential learning opportunities to support outcomes.
  • Managing and incorporating changing industry trends to prepare students for an evolving job market.
  • The role of effective employer engagement in student success.
  • Encouraging student report of high impact educational practices.
  • Finding balance in a higher education landscape requires more of its staff.



Have questions? Contact Amy Kavanaugh, Professional Development Director at [email protected]

Deadline for submissions is Friday, March 7th.

Contact the Professional development director for Questions